Contact Printing PaperWarm ♥ Emulsion #1 |
'Seal Rock Cove' |
I was reading along in one of the old emulsion making books and for the umpteenth time I regretted the intriguing recipes that included miniscule amounts of odd chlorides. It suddenly occurred to me that seawater salt likely had a mix of odd chlorides. I had a brand in my kitchen cupboard that claimed to be the purist stuff available and in my darkroom cupboard I had some cupric chloride from years gone by that I wanted to try. The recipes that I have seen that use cupric chloride also use ammonium bromide rather than potassium bromide. Voila: 'Warm ♥#1'. I am starting to really understand the flexibility and creative potential of emulsions. 'Warm ♥ #1' is only a little warmer than 'I ♥', but it is different in subtle ways. It's a little softer, but with a slightly better range. It's more reliably pepper-free, and it has a nicer color untoned, but it's not as responsive to selenium toning. Right now, I'm using Fabriano HP Extra White with 'Warm ♥#1' for my silvergums and 'I♥' for my selenium-toned b&w's. There's no telling what I'll be using tomorrow. 'Warm ♥#2' on Fabriano HP Traditional (warm white) is almost sensuous. |
Warm ♥ Emulsion, Version One |
A Warm Tone Developing-Out Contact Printing Paper |
Gel A: 13 g gelatin / 75 g water
Gel B: 13 g gelatin / 75 g cold water (or: 65 g if coating wet paper).
Have ready:
4.0 g MASU 100% Sea Water Salt / 12 g water 2 drops 1% cupric chloride (CuCl2*2H2O) 1.0 g citric acid (dry) 0.5 g citric acid / 10 ml water 0.6 g Ammonium bromide (NH4Br) 5.6 g Silver nitrate (AgNO3) / 20 g water |
Dissolve sea salt in water set at room temp. Dissolve AgNO3 in water warm to 40C. Dissolve 0.5 g citric acid in 10 ml water warm to 40C.
ADDING FINALS BEFORE COATING Preheat magnetic stirring plate with waterbath for 250 ml beaker to 50-52C. Preheat hot plate to 65C. Have ready:
GO TO SAFELIGHT Melt one jar (1/2 batch) of emulsion: Remove jar from the lightproof container and place in a 40C waterbath (have the water level at about the height of the top of the emulsion). Stick a thermometer through the plastic wrap into the emulsion. When the temperature of the emulsion hits about 38C, remove the plastic wrap and gently stir with a clean plastic spoon until the emulsion is 41-42C. Strain the melted emulsion through a stainless steel tea strainer into the 250 ml beaker in the waterbath on the magnetic hot plate. Start magnetic stirring at medium low (it remains stirring throughout the finals step). Keep the waterbath temperature at 49-51C. Add 15 drops 1% KI solution at about a drop per second, stir one minute. Add 12 drops Photoflo 600, stir one minute. Add 15 drops glyoxal and then spritz the surface of the emulsion with Everclear. Remove the beaker from the water bath and wipe the outside dry. Pour into the 250 ml in 400 ml beaker jacket through a stack of two or three gold mesh coffee filters. Spritz with Everclear. Set the water jacket on a hot plate set at about 65C. The water should warm up at the same rate as the emulsion cools. A little experience with your workflow will quickly help you determine your temperature parameters. The first coating pass with tell you two things:
A few tips:
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