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Gone Photo'ing

April 4, 2012


'Maggie on the Beach'

"X2Ag-Ortho", "D23" developer.
Fuji GW690III rangefinder camera
— handheld, 1/125 second.


Sooner or later it always seems to come down to, "you hafta practice what you preach." It's my turn.

It had been months since I'd last coated roll film. Back when I switched over to sheet film in order to better test emulsion refinements, I had gotten pretty good (or at least I usually ended up with more good rolls than bad). Not this time. Ouch. Out of practice. I got three nice, full-length 120 rolls and a half dozen decent(ish) 127 rolls, so not a complete fail, and honestly, I wasn't really surprised. I'm one of those people who needs lots and lots of practice to get and stay good at anything. The real surprise came when I took a roll out for a spin and fell in love all over again—with simply walking around with a handheld camera—seeing and seizing the shots.

I hadn't realized how much I have missed that, and how right it is at this point in my emulsion exploration. I'm not sure where I'm going, but I expect to enjoy the trail.

Happy Trails to All.

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